Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Policy

Last Update: March 24, 2024

1. Introduction

This policy reminds of intellectual property rights terms mentioned in our User Agreement and addresses our procedures conducted if owners of intellectual property (including copyrighted contents and trademarks) want to file a report about a violation to their rights.

Our Services allow people to improve their skills by taking LinCademy’s learning courses. Also, people can network and communicate for professional purposes. Not only this, but also professionals can market themselves. We allow our members to directly create, provide and upload content and information (including learning courses) within our Services without reviewing or editing from our side for legal issues. So, the content providers including LinCademy Approved Instructors are fully responsible for their posted or uploaded content.

However, LinCademy respects the intellectual property rights of others and does all the necessary activities to enforce copyrights for any content published on LinCademy. By joining LinCademy, members agree to respect the intellectual property rights of others and of LinCademy. For more information, read “Intellectual Property Rights” section in the User Agreement.  Our Professional Community Standards also encourage our members respect others’ intellectual property rights. For more information, please read “Respect Others’ Rights and Comply with the Law” section in our Professional Community Standards. In addition, you will find below a description about how to submit complaints about intellectual property violations done from LinCademy members.

LinCademy’s policy is to remove the content violating intellectual property rights from our services. We may suspend access of or remove the member repeatedly committing these violations from our services.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

2.1. LinCademy’s Intellectual Property Rights

All title, right, and interest in and to LinCademy Services, including our website, Apps, Trademarks, logos, and databases are the exclusive intellectual property of LinCademy and its licensors. LinCademy intellectual property rights are protected by the laws of the United Kingdom and foreign countries.

2.2. Others’ Intellectual Property Rights

LinCademy respects others’ intellectual property rights. Content, trademarks, and logos, used in our services, belong to their respective owners. Copies of copyrighted materials are not allowed to be distributed within our Services without proper authorization consent from the author. LinCademy members are required not to violate the intellectual property rights of others through our services by providing content on LinCademy (including learning courses) that violates intellectual property rights of others, sharing content of LinCademy members in a way that violates their intellectual property rights, or doing any other act that violates others’ intellectual property rights.

3. Intellectual Property Violations

3.1. Reporting Intellectual Property Violations

In the sections that follow, there is a description about the procedures that should be followed to report to us violations of intellectual property rights (including copyrights, profiles, trademarks or any other intellectual property) created, uploaded, or posted by our members on LinCademy . LinCademy has designated a team for community moderation system that handle these kinds of reports.

Before filing intellectual property violations report, please, first try to resolve your copyright issue amicably with the alleged infringer. If you need to file a report, please note that:

  • We only process intellectual property violation reports submitted by the right owners or designated representatives or agents of the owners. You will be asked to provide an electronic signature for ownership confirmation whether the right owner is a person or an organization.
  • Filing a false or misleading intellectual property violation or submitting a false or misleading Counter-Notice is illegal and may give rise to personal liability.
  • LinCademy may notify the member (whose posted or published content is the subject of the violation content report) of the received report including the contact information of the person or organization filing the report.

3.1.1. Reporting Copyright Infringement

  • If you need to submit a claim about your copyright that, you believe, has been infringed, please complete and submit a Copyright Infringement Reports from here. You can also send your report to our Designated Agent with the contact information below. We may notify the member (whose posted or published content is the subject of the copyright report) of the received report including the contact information of the person or organization filing the report.

You will need to provide the following in your report:

  1. Your full legal name, a physical or email address, and telephone number (optional);
  2. The organization name and your relationship to it if your claim is on behalf of an organization;
  3. A description of the original copyrighted work(s), and (optional) a link to the location of the material(s) online. If the claim is about a course, you need to provide the full name of the course and instructor;
  4. A description of the location on LinCademy (web address or URL) of the work you believe is infringing;
  5. A statement by you that you declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in your claim is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf; and
  6. Your physical or electronic signature (whether you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner) for ownership confirmation whether the owner is a person or organization

3.1.2. Reporting Trademark Infringement

If you need to submit a claim about trademark infringement, please complete and submit a Trademark Infringement Report from here with the information identified below. You can also send your report to our Designated Agent with the contact information below. You need to be the rights holder or authorized by the rights holder to be able to submit a claim. Please, note that we will send a copy of your notice to the member who, you think, has infringed your trademark.

You will need to provide the following in your report:

  1. Your full legal name, a physical or email address, and telephone number (optional);
  2. Your trademark (e.g., specific word, symbol, etc.) for which you are reporting trademark infringement;
  3. A copy of the trademark registration you are claiming trademark rights;
  4. Your trademark registration country;
  5. Description that includes the name and website of the trademark holder company;
  6. The location (web address or URL) of the content on LinCademy that you think is infringing your trademark;
  7. A statement by you that you declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in your claim is accurate and that you are the trademark owner or are authorized to act on the trademark owner’s behalf; and
  8. Your physical or electronic signature

3.2. Submitting Counter-Notice

If someone reported your content or trademark as violating, one of our intellectual property violations team members will contact you and provide you a copy of the claim and Counter-Notice form. If you believe that the claim is incorrect and you are the owner of or authorized to post or publish the content or use the trademark which is the subject of the claim, you can fill in the Counter-Notice form and send it back by replying to the same email or sending an email to our designated copyright agent and include the following information:

  1. Your full legal name, a physical or email address, and telephone number (optional).
  2. Identification of the content or trademark that is the subject of the claim;
  3. A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the copyright claim is incorrect, and that the material was removed or disabled mistakenly or that the material was misidentified;
  4. A statement that you consent to (i) LinCademy sharing your name and your contact information with the claimant; (ii) accepting service of process for any legal action from the Complainant filing the copyright infringement report or his/her authorized agent; and (iii) accepting the jurisdiction of the courts of London, United Kingdom


4.  Contact Us

Below is a description of how you can contact LinCademy’s Designated Agent for reporting intellectual property violations and counter-notices:

  • By filling the above-mentioned forms
  • Via the email address [email protected] if you want to send your report or notice via email or you have any questions related to LinCademy Intellectual Property Policy